A Continent-wide Chimney Swift Roost Monitoring Project

Text Box: Golden Valley, MN:  Church Chimney  -  66
Brainerd, MN:  Church Chimney  -  61
Conway, SC:  Residential Chimney  -  +250
Houston, TX:  Commercial Chimney  -  114
Kenduskeag, ME:  Residential Chimney  -  8
Austin, TX:  School Chimney  -  191
Murray, KY:  School Chimney  -  15
Stellarton, NS:  School Chimney  -  14
Bayside, TX:  Chimney Swift Tower  -  10
Austin, TX:  Chimney Swift Tower  -  41
Montello, WI:  Multiple sites  -  142
Oneida, NY:  Hotel Chimney  -  293
Austin, TX:  School Chimney  -  166
Racine, WI:  Commercial Chimney  -  2
Topeka, KS:  School Chimney  -  +270
Austin, TX:  School Chimney  -  500 , 788
Kewaunee, WI:  Brewery Chimney   -  50
Sturgeon Bay, WI:  School Chimney  -  2030
Plaquemine, LA:  Post Office Chimney  -  1650
Endeavor, WI:  School Chimney  -  199
Austin. TX:  School Chimney  -  355
Shorewood, WI:  Apt. Building  -  15
Wolfville, NS:  Chimney Swift Tower  -  15
Travis County, TX:  Chaetura Canyon  -  183, 184
Shreveport, LA:  School Chimney  -  ~300
Green Bay, WI:  Multiple sites  -  Click here
Newport, NC:  Chimney  -  44
Austin, TX:  School Chimney  -  439
Milan, MI:  City Hall chimney  -  79
Sioux Falls, SD:  Chimney  -  5
Austin, TX:  School chimney  -  1025
Tawas City, MI:  Hospital chimney  -  ~200
Racine, WI:  Multiple sites  -  50, 11
Milwaukee, WI:  Church chimney  -  20
Austin, TX:  School chimney  -  ~200
Homer, LA:  Multiple sites  -  1105, 142
Austin, TX:  Multiple sites  -  575, 353, 439, 1025, 41,
                                                  500, 191
Richland Center, WI:  Theater chimney  -  35
Oneida, NY:  Hotel chimney  -  355
Delaware, OH:  Multiple sites  -  1890, 7, 185
Houston, TX:  School chimney  -  249
Shoreacres, TX:  Residential chimney  -  6
St-Jean-Baptiste, Manitoba:  Church chimney  - 5
Olathe, KS:  Commercial chimney  -  20
Houston, TX:  School chimney  -  208
Elkhart, IN:  Multiple sites  -  2, 230, 12
Shorewood, WI:  Apartment building  -  15
Pickstown, SD:  Commercial Chimney  -  6
Lake Mills, WI:  Church Chimney  -  165
Woodbine, MD:  Residential Chimney  -  2
Taylor, TX:  Commercial Chimney  -  340
Girard, KS:  Residential Chimney  -  14
Rock Island, IL:  Commercial Chimney  -  360
Jacksonville, FL:  Residential Chimney  -  ~70
Austin, TX:  Multiple -  140, 2, 365, 150, 865, 828, 540,
St. Joseph, MO:  Church Chimney  -  ~300
Ridgewood, NJ:  School Chimney  -  1360
Athens, GA:  Commercial Chimney  -  203
Anniston, AL:  Commercial Chimney  -  150, 328
Garland, TX:  Residential Chimney  -  7
St. Joseph, MO:  Church Chimney  -  920
Siloam Springs, AR:  Commercial Chimney  -  625
Jonestown, TX:  Concrete Cistern  -  894, 926
Topeka, KS:  School Chimney  -  225
Greenville, SC:  Commercial Chimney  -  350, 390,
Whitefish Bay, WI:  Commercial Chimney  -  252
Ashville, NC:  Commercial Chimney  -  322
St. Joseph, MO:  Former School Chimney  -  2850
Galena, KS:  School Chimney  -  1205
Austin, TX:  Chimney Swift Tower  -  34
Eau Claire, WI:  School Chimney  -  51
Austin, TX:  School Chimney  -  431
Birmingham, AL:  Commercial Chimney  -  500
Elkhart, IN:  Multiple  -  2, 0
Pittsburg, KS:  Multiple combined  -  1300
Montello, WI:  Commercial Chimney  -  278
Austin, TX:  Multiple  -  800 to 1000, 385, 825, 270
Shorewood, WI:  Apartment Building Chimney -  464
Kenosha, WI:  Commercial Chimney  -  25
Shreveport, LA:  School Chimney  -  90
Naples, TX:  Residential Chimney  -  33, 40
Baden PA:  Residential Chimney  -  +25
Southern Pines, NC:  School Chimney  -  300 to 400
St. Joseph, MO:  Church Chimney  -  1050
Catonsville, MD:  Fire Station Chimney  -  ~265
Homer, LA:  Multiple -  425, 0, 320, 16, 1 
Racine, WI:  Commercial Chimney  -  17
St. Charles, IL:  Multiple  -  150, 500, 400
Monticello, IN: Commercial Chimney  -  292
Milwaukee, WI:  Commercial Chimney  -  +744
Rensselaer, IN:  Commercial Chimney  -  7
Galena, IL:  Commercial Chimney  -  600
Houston, TX:  School Chimney  -  70
Melbourne, FL:  Residential Chimney  -  2
London, ON:  Multiple  -  300, 467
Asheville, NC:  Residential Chimney  -  36
Travis County, TX:  Chaetura Canyon  -  4, 24, 171, 2,
                                    2, 3
Baltimore, MD:  Multiple  -  1530, 1430, 100
Winston-Salem, NC:  School Chimney  -  5000
Lenoir, TN:  Multiple  -  2215
Oneida, NY:  Commercial Chimney  -  0
Text Box: 2012 GUIDELINES

Locate a Chimney Swift or Vaux’s Swift roost in your area.
On one night over the weekend of 
August 10, 11, 12
and / or
September 7, 8, 9
you observe the roost starting about 30 minutes before dusk and estimate the number of swifts that enter.
When you have your number, contact us with your results.

Please include the following: 
Number of  swifts counted
Time (and time zone)
Address: city, state/province
Broad description of the site, e.g. school, warehouse, residence, Chimney Swift Tower, etc.
Weather conditions may also be reported.

Note:  Please submit your reports in MSWord, Excel 
or as text in the body of an email only.  
Reports in PDF will not be accepted.

Email Us!

We will continue to update the results through the end of September.

Thank you for your support of
Chimney Swift conservation.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Text Box: For detailed information on each report
Text Box: Final Update:  October 15

Staten Island, NY:  Armory Chimney  -  330

Arlington, VA:  Apartment Chimney  -  3000

Geauga County, OH:  School Chimney  -  686

Hales Corner, WI:  Multiple  -  5, 2, 2, 1

Galena, OH:  Church Chimney  -  850

Gatlinburg, TN:  Residential Chimney  -  0

Bowling Green, OH:  Theater Chimney  -  81

Chapel Hill, NC:  Residential Chimney  -  0

Girard, KS:  Residential Chimney  -  81

Saybrook Township, OH:  Comm. - 500

Austin, TX:  Chimney Swift Tower  -  39

Healdsburg, CA:  Comm.  -  6840 Vaux’s

Ann  Arbor, MI:  College Chimney  -  1242

Farmington, MI:  Comm. Chimney ~1000

Holly Springs, MS:  Swift tower  -  203

Katy, TX  Chimney Swift Tower  -  75  -  100

Olathe, KS:  Commercial Chimney  -  150

Hampton, GA:  Residential Chimney  -  30

Anniston, AL:  Multiple  sites

Lake Mills, WI:  Residential Chimney  -  63

Racine, WI:  Comm. Chimneys  - 197, 288, 17

Monticello, WI:  Commercial Chimney  -  278

Milwaukee, WI:  Apt. Chimney  - 87

Chester, PA:  University Chimney  -  160

Lincoln, NE:  Church Chimney  -  782

Webster Groves, MO:  School Chim.  -  590