A Continent-wide Chimney Swift Roost Monitoring Project

Text Box: Austin, TX:  AFL-CIO building — 1326
Wilmington, DE: Ursuline Academy — 225
Del Rio, TN:  Del Rio Elementary School — 400+
Columbia, SC:  Whaley Mill — 2700 to 3200
Driftwood, TX:  Banding Pavilion — 16
Fairfax, VA:  Luther Jackson Middle School — 2297
Jonestown, TX:  Old Cistern Roost — 1631
Reading, PA:  Reading High School — ~5000
Chapel Hill, NC:  U.S. Post Office — 1000+
Kernersville, SC:  Glenn High School — 1130
Fayetteville, NC:  Ashley School — 189+
Kearney, MO:  Kearney Middle School — 1500+
Baltimore City, MD:  Baltimore Armory — 2416
Baltimore City, MD:  Mill Center — 4478
New Waverly, TX:  residential chimney — 2
Kewaunee, WI:  old brewery — 11
San Marcos, TX:  residence — 4
Lancaster, PA:  Lancaster Catholic High School — 750
Baltimore City, MD:  Mill Center — 4205 (2nd report)
Jamaica Plain, MA:  converted warehouse  —  ~200
Austin, TX:  Chaetura Canyon — 84
Nashville, TN:  Tusculum Elementary School — 306
Easton, MD:  residential chimney — 102
Haverlock, NC:  abandoned school chimney —  200—400
Tyler, TX:  Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception  - 163
Tualtin, OR:  residential are—9 Vaux’s Swifts
Oak Ridge, TN:  School Administration Bldg. — 1250
Lawrence, KS:  Cordley Elementary School —  2350
Lockhart, TX:  Recycling Center — +500
Holt, MO:  Wooden Chimney Swift Tower—2
Arlington, VA:  Fairlington Community Center—64
Staunton, VA:  “suitable chimney” - 100 / 1000
Fayetteville, AR:  Central United Methodist Church — 675
Holt, MO:  Wooden Chimney Swift Tower—17
Lockhart, TX:  Lockhart Post Office — +500
Austin, TX:  Travis High School —  2
Hickory, NC:  abandoned newspaper — ~150
Frederick, MD:  old stack downtown — 106
Wichita, KS:  Hadley Middle School — 44
Driftwood, TX:  Converted Cistern — 9
Austin, TX:  Chaetura Canyon — 65
Austin, TX:  O’ Henry Middle School — 350
Raleigh, NC:  Broughton High School — 1200
Abita Springs, LA:  Rural Residence — 7
Morehead City, NC:  abandoned school chimney  - +400
Winfield, KS:  Southwestern College Admin. Bldg — ~1200
Athens, GA:  former Coke shipping plant chimney — ~ 634
Elkton, VA:  Thrift and Shop Bldg. — 206
McGaheysville, VA:  Montivideo Middle School — ~ 300
Laurel, MD:  apartment building chimney — 0
Banner Elk, NC:  Banner Elk Hotel Stone Chimney — 225
Banner Elk, NC:  Tate Dormitory Stone Chimney — 625
Banner Elk, NC:  N. Carolina Bldg. Stone Chimney — 48
Chapel Hill, NC:  residential chimney — 365
St. Michaels, MD:  St. Mary’s Square — 0
Austin, TX:  O’ Henry Middle School — 770
Laurel, MD:  apartment building — 1050
Grasonville, MD:  residential chimney — 17
Gaithersburg, MD: Watkins Mill High School — 120
Auburn, AL:  Auburn University Campus — 160
Annandale, VA:  High School — 615 / 3020 / 1995
Overland Park, KS:  Santa Fe Elementary — 575
Mission, KS:  Highlands Elementary — 843

Locate a Chimney Swift or Vaux’s Swift roost in your area.
On one night over the weekend of September 8, 9, 10, you observe the roost at dusk and estimate the number of swifts that enter.
When you have your number, contact us with your results.

Please include the following: 
Number of swifts counted
Time (and time zone)
Address: city, state/province
Broad description of the site, e.g. school, warehouse, residence, Chimney Swift Tower, etc.
Weather conditions may also be reported.

Email Us!

We will continue to update the results through the end of September.

Thank you for your support of Chimney Swift conservation.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Text Box: September   7
September   8
September   9
September 10   
Text Box: For detailed information on each report