A Continent-wide Chimney Swift Roost Monitoring Project

Text Box: Bayside , TX:  Swift Tower  -  13
Athens, AL:  Residential Chimney  -  ~30
Pittsburg, PA:  Commercial Chimney  -  147
Elkhart, IN:  School Chimney  -  485
Edgewood, MD:  Commercial Chimney  -  176
Onaima, MN:  Swift Tower  -  +40
Tawas City, MI:  Commercial Chimney  -  ~200
Austin, TX:  Swift Tower  -  1
Elkhart, IN:  Commercial Chimney  -  315
Travis County, TX:  Chaetura Canyon tower  -  52
Sioux Falls, SD:  Commercial Chimney  -  55
Austin, TX:  Swift Tower  -  14
Ft. Meyers, FL:  Residential Chimney  -  20
Lyle, WA:  School Chimney  -  3 Vaux’s
St. Joseph, MO:  School Chimney  -  500
Somers, CT:  School Chimney  -  26
Saint-Georges de Beauce, QC:  -  Res. Chimney  -  49
Miami, FL:  Residential Chimney  -  5
Oneida, NY:  Multiple  chimneys  -  4, 2, 6, 1
Pickstown, SD:  Commercial Chimney  -  11
Wichita, KS:  University Chimney  -  47
Dubuque, IA:  Commercial Chimney  -  6
Wathena, KS:  Brick Chimney  -  535
Elyria, OH:  Residential Chimney  -  6
Sioux Falls, SD:  School Chimney  -  43
Topeka, KS:  School Chimney  -  125
Melbourne, FL:  Residential Chimney  -  4
Spartanburg, SC:  School Chimney  -  343
Monticello, IN: Multiple sites  -  8, 3, 2
Hays County, TX:  Swift Tower  -  3
Ft. Walton Beach, FL:  Residential Chimney  -  17
El Lago, TX:  Multiple sites  -  5, 8, 2
Delaware, OH:  Multiple  -  1420, 630
Cromona, KY:  Residential Chimney  -  75
New Martinsville, WV:  Church Chimney  -  301
Havelock, NC:  School Chimney  -  400+
Beaufort, NC:  School Chimney  -  400
Houston, TX:  School Chimney  -  64
Whitefish Bay, WI:  Theater Chimney  -  12
Houston, TX:  School Chimney  -  57
Chapel Hill, NC:  Residential Chimney  -  350
Shorewood, WI:  School Chimney  -  104
Woodbine, MD:  Residential Chimney  -  7
Green Bay, WI:  Multiple sites  -  see detailed reports
Travis County, TX:  Chimney Swift Tower  -  94, 86
Stafford Springs, CT:  Residential Chimney  -  5
McCormick, SC:  BBQ Chimney  -  32
Falmouth, NS:  Residential Chimney  -  175
New Glasgow, NS:  School Chimney  -  223
Middleton, NS:  School Chimney  -  254
Wolfville, NS:  Robie Tufts Nature Center  -  60
Centerville, MD:  Residential Chimney  -  24
Sioux Falls, SD:  Brick Warehouse Chimney  -  55
Troy, MI:  School Chimney  -  420, 626
Belmont, NC:  Commercial Chimney  -  300 to 500
Tullahoma, TN:  School Chimney  -  1500
Toronto, ON:  35 to 40
Randolph, IA:  Church Chimney  -  100 to 150
Fulton, IL:  Commercial Chimney  -  1030
Marlinton, WV:  ~ 1000
Archers Lodge, NC:  Residential Chimney  -  68
River Forest, IL:  Apartment Chimneys  -  10 to 15
Mullins, SC:  Residential Chimney  -  17
Chippewa Falls, WI:  Nursing Home Chimney  -  85
Joplin, MO:  School Chimney  -  870
Macon, GA:  Church Chimney  -  25
Austin, TX:  Multiple sites -  7 / 400 / 420
Tecumseh, MI:  Commercial Chimney  -  250 
Holt, MO:  Chimney Swift Tower  -  250+
West Ashville, NC:  Residential Chimney  -  89
Austin, TX:  Residential Chimney  -  28
Topeka, KS:  School Chimney  -  100 to 125
Denton, NC:  Residential Chimney  -  50+
Pittsburg, PA:  Apartment Chimneys  -  242 / 727
Elkhart, IN:  School Chimney  -  1420
Bayside, TX:  Chimney Swift Tower  -  16
Charlotte, NC:  College Chimney  -  950
Richland Center, WI:  Courthouse Chimney  -  103
East Windsor, CT:  School Chimney  -  528
Pleasantville, IA:  Chimney Swift Tower  -  11
Charlotte, NC:  School Chimney  -  565
McCormick, SC:  BBQ Chimney  -  79
Kenosha, WI:  Residential Chimney  -  160
Jonestown, TX:  Old Concrete Cistern  -  4 
Pensacola, FL:  Generator Chimney  -  400 to 500
Austin, TX:  Chimney Swift Tower  -  24
Springfield, MO:  Apartment Chimney  -  1856
Elkhart, IN:  Factory Chimney  -  48
Garland, TX:  Residential Chimney  -  56
Maplewood, MO:  School Chimney  -  20+
Boiling Springs, NC:  School Chimney  -  525
Austin, TX:  Multiple sites   512 / 360 / 14 / 210 / 546/
   310 / 536 / 400 / 214 / 7 / 420
Holland, MI:  Warehouse Chimney  -  710
Travis County, TX:  Chaetura Canyon  -  169
Ashville, NC:  Commercial Chimney  -  94
Racine, WI:  Commercial Chimney  -  31
Shorewood, WI:  School Chimney  -  425
Pittsburg, KS:  Multiple sites  -  1287
Staten Island, NY:  Armory Chimney  -  300
Topeka, KS:  School Chimney  -  300+
Charlotte, NC:  Commercial Chimney  -  236
Mount Horeb, WI:  Commercial Chimney  -  39
Staunton, VA:  Jail Chimney  -  3200 / 2520 / 4411
Corpus Christi, TX:  Residential Chimney  -  7
Atlanta, GA:  School Chimney  -  4110
Nashville, TN:  Residential Chimney  -  85
Dallas, TX:  Residential Chimney  -  40
Grundy, VA:  School Chimney  -  1083
Text Box: 2011 GUIDELINES

Locate a Chimney Swift or Vaux’s Swift roost in your area.
On one night over the weekend of 
August 5, 6, 7
and / or
September 9, 10, 11
you observe the roost starting about 30 minutes before dusk and estimate the number of swifts that enter.
When you have your number, contact us with your results.

Please include the following: 
Number of  swifts counted
Time (and time zone)
Address: city, state/province
Broad description of the site, e.g. school, warehouse, residence, Chimney Swift Tower, etc.
Weather conditions may also be reported.

Email Us!

Note:  Please submit your reports in MSWord, Excel 
or as text in the body of an email only.  
Reports in PDF will not be accepted.

We will continue to update the results through the end of September.

Thank you for your support of
Chimney Swift conservation.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Text Box: For detailed information on each report
Text Box: Last Update:  10-11-2011

Nacogdoches, TX:  School Chimney  -  56

Wathena, KS:  School Chimney  -  595

Clay County, AL:  Chimney  -  ~50

Dallas, TX:  Commercial Chimney  -  210

Elizabethtown, KY:  Residential Chimney  -  20

Monroe, WI:  Residential Chimney  -  232

Kansas City, MO:  School Chimney  -  650

Nevada, IA:  Hotel Chimney  -  448

Kansas City, MO:  School Chimney  -  650

Wakulla Springs, FL:  Lodge Chimney  -  523

Austin, TX:  Kiosk Chimney Swift Tower  -  21

Ponte Vedra Beach, FL:  Res. Chimney  -  237

Galena, OH:  Church Chimney  -  1230

Ft. Walton Beach, FL:  Res. Chim.  -  11 / 9 / 7

Lake Mills, WI:  Residential Chimney  -  110

Anniston, AL:  4 / 28 / 141 / 1026

Spartanburg, SC:  Multiple sites  104 / 201 /

    314 / 346 / 523

Fountain City, WI:  School Chimney  -  231

Lincoln, VA:  Residential Chimney  -  500

London, ON:  2 sites  -  340 / 500

Grundy, VA:  School Chimney  -  3000

Houston, TX:  Multiple  -  18 / 2000 / 292 /

    210 / 145 / 92 / 440 / 1562

Shore Acres, TX:  Residential Chimney  -  11

Taylor Lake, TX:  Residential Chimney  -  8

Tullahoma, TN:  School Chimney  -  4500

Woodbine, MD:  Residential Chimney  -  1

Madison, WI:  Church Chimney  -  303 / 8

Ft. Atkinson, WI:  Commercial Chimney  -  4

Winston-Salem, NC:  School Chimney  -  8000

Houston, TX:  Multiple  -  25 / 15

Fulton, IL:  Commercial Chimney  -  1200 / 12

Garrettsville, OH:  Mill Chimney  -  100

Lewisville, NC:  School Chimney  -  500

Newton, NJ:  Hospital Chimney  -  3100

Emlenton, PA:  Commercial Chimney  -  2000+

Bethlehem, PA:  Church Chimney  -  500+

Tallahassee, FL:  Residential Chimney  -  9

Tontitown, AR:  Church Chimney  -  450+

Ridgewood, NJ:  School Chimney  -  2400

Southern Pines, NC:  School Chimney  -  360

Conway, AR:  Residential Chimney  -  270

Vienna, VA:  School Chimney  - 490

Monaca, PA:  Residential Chimney  -  ~50

Green Bay, WI:  Multiple sites  -  115

Baltimore, MD:  Multiple sites  -  1150, 200, 200, 190, 146, 30, 300

Loudonville, OH:  Residential Chimney  -  30

Raleigh, NC:  Commercial Chimney  -  ~9000

Kalispell, MT:  Comm. Chimney  -  251 Vaux’s


Special Extended Reports


Larry Schwitters  - Vaux’s Happening


Vaux’s Happening Final Summary


Maritime Provinces Sightings and Reports


Minnesota Chimney Swift Sit




* Reports in red indicate a Chimney Swift Tower or other structure preserved specifically for Chimney Swifts